About Venturi
Venturi tube was invented by an Italian physicist named Giovanni Battista
Venturi in 1797. In 1887, Clemens
Herschel used Ventui’s work to develop the first commercial flowmeter
based on it. His version of the
Venturi flowmeter became known as the Herschel Standard Venturi.
Herschel published his paper called “The Venturi Water Meter” in
1898. In 1970, a company called BIF
introduced the Universal Venturi Tube™.
A Venturi tube is a flow tube
that has a tapered inlet and a diverging exit.
The DP transmitter measures pressure drop and uses this value to
calculate flowrate.

Tubes. Photo courtesy of ABB.
further information on differential pressure, including studies and
articles, see www.FlowDP.com.
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